Hope Bridge has been Korea's leading disaster
relief organization devoted to disaster response
in accordance with humanitarian principles. Detail View

to improve their resilience so they can prepare themselves for,
respond to, and recover from disasters and alleviate
problems caused by disasters. Detail View

you can help our neighbors affected
by climate disasters lead stable lives. Detail View
We will be the bridge of hope delivering the touch of love.
Hope after the disaster!
Hope Bridge Korea Disaster Relief Association is a civil association established in 1961 by broadcasting companies,newspaper companies,
and social organizations to help our neighbors who are suffering from unexpected disasters.

Hans-On Campaigns
Hope T-shirt campaign
Draw a picture
to save lives Save the children of climate refugees
who have suffered from natural disasters Detail View
Hope swaddle blanket campaign
One stitch protects
two lives Save the lives of mothers
and newborn babies of climate refugees Detail ViewDetail View-
From the Earth
From the Earth?
From the Us! Wear the ‘From the Earth’ bracelet
and hold back the rise of Earth’s
temperature! Detail View
From the Earth
From the Earth?
Hope Bridge Video
Hope Bridge Korea Disaster Relief Association
52, Shinsu-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 04088
Copyright ⓒ Korea Disaster Relief Association.
All rights reserved.