We built our first office building in Sinsu-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, strengthening internal stability.
In addition, due to the need for new buildings and warehouses to store increased number of relief goods, we constructed the second office building.
1980 ~
1995 |
New building lease contract Delivered relief goods for the earthquake victims in 1 |
Distributed relief goods for fire damage in Guryong Village, 2 |
1994 |
2 Distributed 1,140,000,000 won, consolatory compensation, for the sinking of the MV Seohae Distributed 9,274,500,000 won for cold weather damage |
12 New building lease contract Completion ceremony of the Korea Disaster Response Association office building |
1992~1990 |
Distributed 343,115,000 won for hail damage to crops in Chungnam and 6 cities and provinces 1992 |
Distributed relief goods for typhoon Gladys in Gangwon and 3 cities and provinces 1991 |
Delivered relief goods to the Korean National Red Cross in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, Chungbuk Distributed 39,481,000 won for the heavy rain damage in Jeonnam and 6 cities and provinces Distributed 1,823,120,000 won for house restoration due to the heavy rain damage in Chungbuk and 7 cities and provinces 1990 |
1989~1980 |
1989.6 Requested government subsidy to construct a disaster relief goods storage warehouse |
1988.2 Letter of appreciation regarding donations from media and organizations in the Americas |
1987.7 Distribution and relief goods aid for typhoon Thelma |
1986.5 Distributed relief goods for the South Korea Senior Center Association |
1982.3 Published <20 years of Korea Disaster Relief Association> |
1982.9 Distributed 141,365,000 won for typhoon Elise damage |
1981.10 Distributed 7.5 billion won for typhoon Agnes damage |
1980.1 Signed loan agreement for housing fund with Kookmin Bank for the rescue of victims of typhoon-damaged houses |
1980.6 Distributed restoration cost 1.1 billion won for the Gwangju Democratization Movement damage |